share your testimony

Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. It gives us so much joy to hear how the Lord is working in your life and we know it will help others on their journey too. Bless you!
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Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. It gives us so much joy to hear how the Lord is working in your life and we know it will help others on their journey too. Bless you!
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Weekly Word

Rejoice Always

Jesus has deep joy for us even in the difficulties we may face when following him
Joseph Black
January 13, 2022
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Weekly Word

Rejoice Always

Jesus has deep joy for us even in the difficulties we may face when following him
Joseph Black
Weekly Word


"They left everything and followed him."
Joseph Black
January 13, 2022
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the latest from our stronghold family

Weekly Word

Rejoice Always

Joseph Black
February 13, 2022
Jesus has deep joy for us even in the difficulties we may face when following him

Jesus declares "blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man" (Luke 6:22). In the early church, this is played out exactly when the apostles are flogged for preaching the name of Jesus: "as they left the […]

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call for writers

we're looking for contributors

Interested in writing for our Journal? We're looking for creative writers with a heart for sharing God's love with their readers. Our journal will explore God's word, the beauty of the Catholic Faith, and the mystery and joy of the Christian journey - and we're open to suggestions too. E-mail us if you're interested in contributing.

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the latest from our stronghold family

Weekly Word

Rejoice Always

Joseph Black
February 13, 2022
Jesus has deep joy for us even in the difficulties we may face when following him

John the Baptist had stirred up the people of Israel to fever pitch. The people were burning to see God’s face. They came to hear John crying in the wilderness and gave their lives to [...]

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submit your testimony


We're looking for testimonies from our brothers and sisters in the Stronghold Family to share here on our Journal and on our socials. Have you been moved by the Holy Spirit at one of our Prayer Nights? Has a Home Group changed your prayer life? Have you experienced healing, inner or outer, body or soul, at our annual Festival? We would love to hear from you! Sharing your testimony of how Jesus has changed your life is a wonderful and moving way to encourage others on their faith journey, giving them hope and courage in the walk that we all share as brothers and sisters.

write us